Autonomic Nerve Wreath (ANS)
The Autonomic Nerve Wreath (ANW) in the iris represents the union of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems. The shape, integrity and placement of the ANW in the iris indicates to the iridologist tonal quality of the gut (state of digestion), the sympathetic/parasympathetic balance (or imbalance) and the underlying temperament (emotional state) of the person.
A constricted ANW (towards the pupil), for instance, indicates that a person has limited digestion and absorptive capabilities and will be suited to small, more frequent meals of high quality ingredients. These people’s nervous systems tend towards more Sympathetic Dominance and so can be more excitable in nature. They may find it difficult to eat when they feel excited and will benefit greatly by getting into the habit of taking ‘time out’ and focusing on relaxing when they eat (this often does not come naturally to them!).
Once again naturopathic approaches, natural medicines, dietary advice and counselling can assist these people a great deal. Speak to Mark.