What does Iris structure tells us about a person?
There are 4 primary iris structures, each of which is associated with a personality profile. (One type of iris structure is not better than another.) The primary purpose of ascertaining one’s iris structure is to free the individual from any limitations associated with that personality – the iris structure is a reflection of the individual’s life potential, revealing character strengths and aspects of the personality that are underdeveloped.
One of the four primary iris structures is referred to as the ‘Jewel’. Numerous dot-like pigments are present in the Jewel iris (see below). The more dot-like pigments present in the iris the more the person expresses the jewel personality type.
Jewels tend to be thinking, intellectual type people. The ‘cerebral’ types direct their perceptions and feelings through internal thought and analysis. Everybody thinks and analyses to a degree, but this tends to be the dominant personality characteristic. When balanced, Jewels can contribute great clarity and wisdom to a personal, social or work situation. When they are out of balance their thoughts can become scattered, they become over analytical and questioning, and their attention to detail then stifles the realisation of their full potential. Learning to flow more with situations and trust other people enables Jewels to better express their feelings and helps them achieve their long-term goals.
Jewels’ physical problems tend to involve such organs as the spleen (they often have trouble venting it!), liver and pancreas, and associated digestive problems. Improving their gut health will not only improve their overall physical health but also bring the gut-brain axis into better balance – this will in turn improve their ‘gut feeling’ understanding and so promote CLEARER THINKING (something all Jewel persons aspire to!).