Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
Due to the distinctive makeup of their nervous system, Highly Sensitive Person’s (HSP’s) may process sensory data unusually deeply and thoroughly. If you are an HSP you will process information and reflect on it more deeply. And if you notice so much at once, you will naturally become more easily over-stimulated (and at times overwhelmed and more prone to develop anxiety) when things around you become more intense, complex, chaotic or are just new to you. Your high sensitivity may even manifest on a physical level, eg. to certain foods and/or the environment.
- Being an HSP is a NORMAL trait – NOT a disorder.
- HSP’S compose about a fifth of the population (1 in 5). Gender type is equally represented– however cultural influences often inhibit its expression in males and so its noticeability.
- It is INNATE. Biologists have found it in over 100 species [including] fruit flies, birds, and fish to dogs, cats, horses, and primates. A heightened awareness of self and its responses to the environment – our ability to move from scanning our external environment to our inner landscape – is well developed
in highly sensitive beings. The presence of highly sensitive animals in balance with the ‘less sensitive’ is essential for species survival. - You may have been called shy, inhibited, fearful, too sensitive, or worse, neurotic but these behaviours are learned NOT INNATE (and not the real you!).
- Your sensitivity is valued differently in different cultures and countries.