An Iridology snippet - The Collarette
The Collarette (also called the Autonomic Nerve Wreath – ANW) is a major Iris landmark. According to the position, shape, colour and its definition an Iridologist can determine specific tendencies associated with bowel function, digestion and nutrient absorption efficiency. It also informs the Iridologist about a) the state of an individual’s nervous system, for instance, whether it is over-reactive (under duress) or under-reactive (fatigued) b) the personality of the individual, for instance, whether they tend to be more introverted or extroverted and c) the behavioural tendencies of the individual, for instance, whether they like to be ‘in control’ and understand the value of discretion or are whether they are too willing to share their thoughts, discretion not being their high point.
(For an excellent and serious textbook on Iridology I recommend “The Integrated Iridology Textbook” by author and teacher Toni Miller.)
Some Different Collarette Types:
Constricted (collarette close-in around the pupil) (above) – ‘Over-toned’: these individuals have limited digestive and absorptive capabilities, being ideally suited to small, more frequent meals of high quality. They are often happy in their own company, more introverted, and like to be in control and understand the value of discretion.
Distended (collarette a long way out from the pupil) (above) – ‘Under-toned’: these individuals often have a large appetite, tending to place more emphasis on quantity rather than quality (“would you like chips with those” can become music to their ears!). Their bowel tone tends to be sluggish, easily leading to constipation. They tend to be out-going with an extroverted personality – generous and enjoy the company of others but discretion may not be their best attribute!
Wispy (reduced quality/quantity of collarette) – ‘Sensitivity’: these individuals have a high nervous system sensitivity and need to be ‘protective’ of their physical and emotional energy levels. In my private practice they often talk of having a “nervous stomach” and are prone to food sensitivities and allergies. They often have quite a refined personality with well-developed intuition and are very uncomfortable with confrontation.
Obscure (collarette’s outline is indistinct) – ‘Concealed’: these individuals often have poor absorption, deficiency in digestive enzymes, and appetite (potentially eating) disorders. Often, they have a cheerful exterior, but this invariably ‘conceals’ what is really going on underneath. They will ‘grin and bear it’ and find it easier to project a persona for approval than display how they really feel.
Jagged (Zigzag shaped collarette, with indentations and bulges) – ‘Irregular’: these individuals often display ‘irritable bowel’ symptoms with spasmodic bowel episodes, alternating between having very loose motions and being ‘bound up’. The locations of collarette indentation and bulging will have significance for the organs they directly innervate in that area. For example, if a bulge in the collarette juts out into bronchiole/lung area, nervous asthma, panic attacks or hyperventilation are common. The irregular collarette is often associated with an unpredictable (irregular) temperament.
All the above can be easily detected in one’s iris and helped significantly with natural therapies, understanding and counselling – speak to Mark.