All highly sensitive people need regular ‘sensory time-outs’ to avoid sensory overload that leads to over-stimulation, that leads to overwhelm, that leads to anxiety and exhaustion!
NATURE provides a sanctuary for HSPs. “Being immersed in nature restores HSPs mentally when, as can easily happen, they suffer from sensory overload… a natural environment fosters recovery from mental fatigue caused by the overstimulation experienced by many urban residents – and all HSPs!”
Quite simply, a green leafy outlook from your room or office is therapeutic. Research … hospital patients whose beds have a view of green, growing things tend to heal faster and need less medication than those looking at a brick wall.
… spend 30 minutes or more in green spaces each week and you are less likely to experience high blood pressure or depression.
“Here are some tips to help HSPs prevent or manage sensory overload:
1) Take your lunch break in a park or garden – away from your desk!
2) Go for walks or do your exercise outdoors.
3) If you are stuck inside, bring nature to you by surrounding yourself with indoor plants, and if possible, give yourself natural light exposure from a window with a ‘green’ view.
4) You can also bring nature to you by using natural medicines and therapies”, speak to Mark. (Quotes from Mark’s soon to be available book, “Embracing the Gift of High Sensitivity …”)