Highly Sensitive People are Less Influenced by Culture
Arthur Aron, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at Stony Brook University, and colleagues, completed a study that suggests individuals who are highly sensitive have cognitive responses that appear to not be influenced by culture at all.
“Our data suggest that some categories of individuals, based on their natural [sensitivity] traits, are less influenced by their cultural context than others,” says Dr. Aron.
“The influence of culture was especially strong for those scoring for lower sensitivity, but for those who scored high for sensitivity (HSP’s), there was no cultural difference at all,” says Dr. Aron.
The results of this research imply that many HSP’s trust their natural deep-thinking capacity to make the right choices and not succumb to peer pressure, for instance, to conform to anything that is not true to Self. In other words, highly sensitive people can really think for themselves! They just need to be given the ‘space and freedom’ to do so. The parents of highly sensitive children, especially, should take note of this. To help a child, especially a highly sensitive one, “find their voice” I have often prescribed Cosmos flower essence in my private practice.
Cosmos Flower Essence
“Cosmos’ deep red-purple flower immediately commands attention; you cannot help but notice. It ‘speaks’ to you with clarity and colour and these overt qualities can help you unravel and externalise what you really think and feel inside”. Rather than become overwhelmed from too many ideas “your heartfelt sentiments become clearer to you and therefore clearer to others, enabling them to hear and respond. And, as with anything straight from the heart, it rarely offends and usually heals.”
Quotes from my book, “The Essential Flower Essence Book”
Negative state:
‘Overwhelmed by too many ideas’ (FES)
Overexcited or erratic speech
Positive state:
Speaking (and living) your heartfelt truth
Coherent speech – emotionally articulate (FES)