Regular Sleep Patterns just as Important as Enough Sleep
Most HSP’s are fully aware of the impact lack of sleep has on their everyday life but a new study suggests that a regular bedtime and wake time are just as important as getting your 7 or 8 hours of sleep.
In a study of 1,978 older adults, researchers at the Duke Clinical Research Institute found people with irregular sleep patterns weighed more, had higher blood sugar, higher blood pressure, and a higher risk of heart attack or stroke within 10 years than those who slept and woke at the same times every day.
Irregular time sleepers were also more likely to report depression and stress than regular time sleepers, both of which are tied to heart health.
Morning Glory Flower Essence
Morning Glory helps you break erratic living habits by helping you to get in touch with your natural life rhythms, especially the circadian, and feel more awake and refreshed in the mornings.
Negative State:
Dull, sluggish, feeling ‘hung over’ or ‘jet lagged’?
‘Addictive habits’ (FES); out of sync with natural body rhythms
Positive State:
Wide awake and refreshed (FES)
In touch with life’s natural rhythms