Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS)
“Trust your gut – it’s telling you something”
Another common problem for HSP’s (and many others) is ‘Leaky Gut Syndrome’ – this means that the intestinal lining is more permeable than it should be. Our gut function often symbolises or reflects aspects of our whole Self. For example, if your gut is more permeable, then you as a whole person, are probably more ‘permeable’ or ‘open’. HSP’s are more ‘open’ to their environment – it ‘gets in’ and impacts on them more easily.
Increased intestinal permeability in LGS potentially allows partially digested food, toxins and different flora to penetrate the tissues beneath it, and important nutrients to be lost through malabsorption.
I say to my clients, ““The lining of your gut, when working to its optimum, is able to assimilate and absorb the nutrients from the food and drink you consume and reject and ultimately eliminate what is detrimental, toxic or not required. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work properly all the time for you. Unhealthy food and drink, medication/drugs, or just the fact that you are emotionally upset, worried, stressed or uncomfortable in your present environment (sitting at some Christmas tables, for instance!) or circumstances can all cause this natural process to falter. Then sometimes the ‘bad stuff’ gets in and the ‘good stuff’ gets lost.”
“Becoming emotionally upset, worried, stressed or uncomfortable in the present environment or circumstances” is a common scenario for an HSP. So, it is no wonder that digestive issues, and food sensitivities for instance, are also common for HSP’s. In my experience with HSP’s (myself included) over the years their high sensitivity often also manifests on physical levels, such as environmental allergies, very sensitive skin and often gut ‘sensitivities’ like LGS for instance.
LGS can cause many types of indigestion but also can be the forerunner of more serious health issues such as auto-immune disease.
Speak to Mark regards managing and improving your LGS by:
1) Assessing your food sensitivities and intolerance.
2) Having prescribed natural remedies and dietary adjustments to improve gut lining, including those to encourage growth of healthy bowel flora.
3) Utilising Naturopathic approaches and Counselling around ways to relax and reduce anxiety, especially when you are eating!
4) Considering practicing Stillness Meditation Therapy (SMT).