Attention all Highly Sensitive Children and Adults
“DON’T be Seduced by the World around you!!!”
The above example of an HSP (possessing the ‘rings of freedom’ in their iris) is very often the ‘restless seeker’, especially early in their life up until their late 20’s. Their focus is so easily enticed ‘outside and away from themselves’, reacting to an environment that works so hard to get the attention of all of us. The media, peer-group pressure, family expectations, society and cultural norms, etc. ‘pull’ at us from all directions. The highly sensitive person, like everything else in their life, feels this deeply.
As I state in my book, ‘The Essential Flower Essence Book’, when describing the Californian Poppy flower essence, “In this high-tech, speedy and hyper-stimulating world, it is very easy to be distracted and seduced. We can end up seeking outside ourselves for inspiration and false forms of higher consciousness, especially through escapism or addiction. Like a moth that is drawn to a light, we can easily become disorientated, exposed and vulnerable to predators and find ourselves burned or trapped by that which attracts us.”
As Carl Jung once put it, ‘Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, wakes.’ Or, from anonymous, “Wake up to yourself!”
Negative state:
Seeking outside oneself for illumination, especially through escapism or addiction (FES)
‘Restless seekers’ or those for whom ‘the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence’
Positive state:
Heartfelt understanding, inner knowing (FES)
Discernment in life choices