High Sensitivity as it is Depicted in the Iris - Iridology - part 2
An iris with the “Rings of Freedom” – also referred to as nerve rings, tension rings and stress rings.
The ‘rings of freedom’ (above) suggest an accomplishment-orientated nature and at times you can be the impatient perfectionist. You are SENSITIVE/REACTIVE to your environment and prone to nervous stress and muscular tension. But this does not necessarily reflect current stress in your life – it reflects something deeper. (You can feel stressed/worried even when there is nothing to be stress/worried about!). This is difficult for an HSP because of their need to STOP and take ‘TIME-OUTS’ – it goes against their tendency to re-ACT to their environment. And if they don’t, as a child they might tire and then get sick or as an adult the same, or worse, suffer ‘burn-out’.
The Ring of Freedom at a glance
Key personality trait: Achievement-orientated
Greatest strength: Motivation to create & produce
When out of balance can be:
Frenetic, have a constant sense of urgency
Anxious/Stressed, can feel ‘trapped’
‘Burn out’, illness
To achieve a healthy & happy balance:
Meditation and natural therapies to help you feel less tense/anxious and more confident in your actions (consult Mark)
Engage in appropriate, focused action
Give and lead by example
Once you learn to trust that inner knowing and act on it you naturally help, inspire and enlighten anyone that crosses your path. You will also find that elusive peace of mind!