Isolation - One Upside for HSP’s
One upside for many HSP’s during this challenging time in our history is the fact that ‘isolation’ or ‘staying indoors’ is not such a difficult experience, in itself, for many HSP’s. All HSP’s work out early in their lives (hopefully) that they need to schedule for themselves ’time-outs’ and exclusion times if they are to remain resilient and function at their optimum in society. So, they are familiar with the experience of ‘self-isolation’ and most thrive on having certain amounts of it! There are many people doing it tough out there and I don’t for one moment deny the huge personal challenges they are facing. However, I and many of my highly sensitive clients have appreciated many of the aspects of a community in lock down. We don’t miss the crowds, the hustle and bustle, the traffic, the noise, the partying, and the ever-present, very stimulating environment. We probably feel more at home in the slowing down of the world which creates a quieter and less overwhelming place for us to reside. We can literally ‘breathe’ more easily and remain calm and not so ever-vigilant.
As we come back and enter the ‘new normal’ let’s take with us more of that calm, ease and flow by:
a) Revisiting regularly this ease and flow through our ‘Time-Outs’, Meditation, and Self-Care.
b) Taking Natural Remedies that help enable you to manage your gift of high sensitivity at all times.
and c) Regularly consulting your Natural Therapist (including myself!) before things get overwhelming and ‘out of control’.