Isolation - One Downside for HSP’s and Others
One downside for many HSP’s, and others for that matter, during this time is the fact that ‘isolation’ or ‘staying indoors’ has meant that families where members had grown older (teens and beyond) and more independent have suddenly been thrown back together again – keeping each other company 24-7! Many good things, no doubt, have come from this BUT, in many situations, ‘family friction’ has become heightened. As testament to this, one flower essence I had been prescribing for clients over the years around every few months, I now find myself prescribing it every few days! It seems that many ‘old’ childhood difficult memories and issues have come to the surface for people. (This is no surprise when you think of it as families being thrust into a relentless, almost ‘group therapy situation’!!) The flower essence I speak of is ‘Golden Ear Drops’. It is to help heal, especially painful, memories of childhood when these feelings of pain and trauma about past events are affecting one’s present emotional state. Often these ‘memories’ can even pre-date any proper cognitive awareness in the person but they are still (subconsciously) affecting them in the present time.
“Painful feelings from old hurts, especially the negative emotional charge associated with certain childhood experiences, can become entrenched deep in our psyche. Golden Ear Drops flower essence can help us gain a WISER AND MORE COMFORTABLE PERSPECTIVE on these old … memories, allowing us to gain resolution.
Negative State:
Repressed painful memories from early childhood
The past undermines current experiences
Positive (Resultant) State:
‘Releasing painful memories from the past’ (FES)
Empowered by one’s childhood experience”
extract from Mark’s book “The Essential Flower Essence Book”