Highly Sensitive Person's (HSP's)
“I have a particular interest in working with Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP’s) – those who, due to the distinctive makeup of their nervous system, may process sensory data unusually deeply and thoroughly. According to Dr. Elaine N. Aron* and colleagues as well as other researchers, HSP’s compose about a fifth of the population, with equal numbers of men and women represented. It is not a “condition”, it is a NORMAL trait. This sensitivity in children (or adults) means that they have been born with a built-in tendency to react more strongly to external stimuli – this plays out in life by being overly sensitive to and more easily overwhelmed by their immediate environment (e.g. excessive noise, light, commotion, etc.). But this high sensitivity can also mean that there is a tendency to be more sensitive/reactive to certain foods.
Over the years I have gained great satisfaction from assisting such people to live healthy, enjoyable and productive lives, managing, balancing and making room for their sensitivity, and respecting their depth of feeling and perception.