Flower Essences to Protect HSP’s From ‘Energy Drain’
Flower Essences to Protect HSP’s From ‘Energy Drain’
Here are five flower essences commonly prescribed in my private practice to help protect clients from ‘energy drain’, especially my highly sensitive clients:
Fringed Violet
Above. (picture from Australian Bush Essence Flower Society website: www.australianbushfloweressencesociety.com)
The person in need of Fringed Violet can feel psychically unprotected and vulnerable because of an over-susceptibility to their environment. The flower essence provides you with more auric and psychic protection to keep negativity at bay and help you display more resilience. You find yourself being less easily intimidated by a situation and more able to ‘bounce back’ from being ‘brow beaten’!
Pink Yarrow
“Pink Yarrow flower essence assists people who are emotionally oversensitive and act like ‘psychic sponges’, absorbing everyone else’s feelings. Kaminski and Katz (1996) speak of how in the negative state we can too easily engage in ‘overly sympathetic identification with others’ and take on board all the problems of partners, family members, colleagues, close friends or clients.”
“Garlic flower essence protects and helps us to ‘get ourselves together’, integrating all aspects of our being. This greater sense of wholeness delivers us into a more unitive consciousness that imparts strength and resistance, especially to negativity in the environment … Garlic flower essence can be used to help calm the fears that overcome us when we feel that ‘the world is our stage’ and we are called upon to perform…”
Mountain Pennyroyal
“Mountain Pennyroyal flower essence is good for people who are easily ‘sucked in’ by negative energy or negative exchanges and are especially sensitive to emotional negativity in their immediate environment. A client once told me, ‘Every time I go to visit my mother [in her aged-care facility] I am determined not to get into an argument with her. But sure enough, within 20 minutes we are having words. Try as I may it always happens.’ She took Mountain Pennyroyal essence for a few weeks and soon found that she was far more able to let her mother’s comments and attitude go right on by. She said, ‘After a while, because I had managed to stop taking her bait, she started to cheer up and talk about more pleasant things.’ … Mountain Pennyroyal can help to heal old wounds and ‘re-programme’ our reactions so that negativity in our vicinity no longer has the same impact.”
“Yarrow is used as a flower essence to stem ‘bleeding’ on a subtle level (Kaminski and Katz 1996) in those who are oversensitive or highly susceptible to negativity in their environment. Yarrow helps to seal and protect the subtle body and boundaries of the aura just as in herbal form it acts as a styptic [stems bleeding] and helps to seal and protect physical boundaries.”
All above quotes are from my book, “The Essential Flower Essence Book”.