IRIDOLOGY SNIPPET - Brown Spots in areas of the Iris
These brown spots in the Iris are often referred to as “Iris Freckles”, or in Iridology, they are called “Jewels” or “liver spots”.
The presence of a brown spot (s) in the Iris doesn’t necessarily mean or indicate there is an active problem in the body or system represented in that location (s).
It does, however, indicate that there is a potential for or predisposition to health problems in that system or area of the body.
Upbringing, food and lifestyle choices stresses and/or even certain medical interventions may cause this potential for the health problem to become realised.
They can indicate under-performing liver (brown spots) and/or pancreas (orangy-brown spots) although it does depend on where the spots are located in the iris, which organ or system will be effected mainly.
If these spots are inherent (noticed from birth) there is a potential weakness, associated with family history, in the organ tissue where present.
With the right dietary, lifestyle and stress management guidance the ‘potential’ health issues need not arise. Speak to Mark.
A diet that supports the eliminatory organ systems of the body and the liver is always beneficial.
Also, learning to ‘let go’ is a major life lesson to be learnt by these people!