Acidity in the iris
Acidity in the body most often displays itself in the iris as a whitening or white plaque-like overlay.
A whitened appearance indicates an over-acidic system – rheumatic/arthritic conditions, gout, or (kidney) stone formation are common, and/or eczema/psoriasis are likely.
In children (lymphatic) glandular issues or mucous build up can be associated with acid over-load as the body attempts to rid itself of acid wastes. A more alkaline diet (less acid forming) is especially indicated.
Speak to Mark.
Personal needs (into adulthood):
It is not food alone that causes ‘acidity’. Worry, fear, anger and intense mental activity and stress can stimulate the production of acids in the system.
Also, past ‘toxic’ experiences, even those we may be unaware of, can ‘burn like acid’ (in our psyche) so we often need to work on learning to not dwell on the past, let go and move on.
Natural remedies and understanding yourself better can be very helpful. Speak to Mark.