Things You Need to Know Before, During (or After!) Getting Into a Relationship with an HSP
“HSPs have to find the right balance between being ‘out there’ in the world and spending time alone ‘inside their world.’ The same applies in personal relationships.
HSPs must get the balance right between how much time they spend engaging fully with their partner/loved one/friend and how much time they spend alone or doing their own thing.
This invariably requires a ‘less sensitive’ partner to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be highly sensitive.
Many less sensitive people may initially think that their HSP friend’s need for time alone indicates a lack of interest or commitment to the relationship or, at worst, signifies rejection.” (Wells, 2022, pg. 189)
It is the complete reverse. Taking time out alone [even briefly] enables HSP’s to quickly recharge their energy and then, once again, be fully available, receptive and intimately attuned to the needs of those close to them.
HSP’s are very resilient if given the right circumstances.
Some other things you may need to know about HSP’s:
i) Some may not know about high sensitivity and believe it is a weakness in themselves, and try to fight or overcome it (until they get overwhelmed and exhausted, or worse get sick).
Males, especially, may not admit it for this reason and others such as cultural gender stereotypical expectations and pressures. Or, even if they understand and acknowledge their high sensitivity,
many men may feel even “different” to their peers, and even more isolated and alone.
ii) HSP’s crave authenticity and they notice (almost immediately!) if it is lacking in a person. Be real, and you will steal, the heart of the HSP!!
iii) HSP’s seek permanency, partly because they are not fond of change which often becomes totally overwhelming and anxiety producing for them, but also because they believe in organic attraction – soul partner/forever – based relationships.
It gets back to their strong desire, as mentioned above, for authenticity and complete honesty in relationships. A relationship must be, like everything else in their lives, not shallow or fleeting but deeply meaningful and enduring.
iv) HSP’s have high standards and ideals. They often seek to transcend and go beyond normal limits or boundaries. They desire a deep and profound relationship, and so it can become intense, perhaps too soon.
Initially, it may also be hard for the less sensitive person to reconcile their HSP partner’s ‘full on’ intensity with their need for time-outs and short breaks to do their own thing.
In time though, the less sensitive person feels increasingly secure in the knowledge that their highly sensitive partner will return soon after their time-out and be fully engaged in their relationship!
v) So, if you’re looking for a committed, lifelong mate, consider a highly sensitive person!