Many HSP’s hate being observed with intent. What I mean by this is that they feel very uncomfortable when someone is observing them with an intense mental agenda, for example, scrutinising their performance or ability to carry out a task.
It is not so much that they are being looked at, it is HOW they are being looked at. They are metaphorically being given the “EYE’. (Sadly, when I have had this conversation with a number of less sensitive people over the years, they LOOK AT ME as if I’m crazy!) This is just a classic example of how a highly sensitive person experiences life differently to a less sensitive person.
Dr Elain Aron speaks of how HSP’s are typically excellent in the workplace – “highly conscientious, loyal, vigilant about quality, intuitive …, thoughtful of the needs of clients or customers, …” – but encourages employers to assess them in a slightly different way. “HSP’s do not perform as well when being observed for the purpose of evaluation. Find other ways to learn about how they are doing”
I remember when completing my Masters in Social Sciences (Counselling). Naturally, as part of our assessment, I would often have to conduct a counselling session while being observed for evaluation by a lecturer, tutor or a fellow student. It was never comfortable for me (even then after 25 years of experience counselling Naturopathic clients!). The discomfort felt was directly related to the personality of the person who was observing. It was never anything to do with their credentials, authority or experience, never anything to do with their relationship with me, and never anything to do with the counselling task or the person I was counselling. It was purely about how the person went about observing me.
Some observers just observed and/or knew how to observe without imposing their “energy” (for want of a better word!) on me, but when being observed by most others I found it very off-putting. On hindsight, it comes as no surprise that the observers I was most comfortable with and least aware of their presence were generally the observers that were more highly sensitive.
I have found that by having a quiet word with an employer, lecturer, teacher, etc. to let them know about how you or your child can feel when being observed for evaluation can prove beneficial. At the very least they can take this into account with their assessment.
And never forget to take your protective Yarrow Environmental Solution (YES) flower essence formula (often!) leading up to a situation when you are to be observed for the purpose of evaluation. Refer to previous newsletter articles on YES formula.