For the highly sensitive child (or adult) that I spoke about above who is being (or has been) pressured to become (or to be) someone different to who they really are I always give strong consideration to prescribing the Bach flower Walnut.
Walnut enables us to better live in accordance with our true nature. It ‘protects’ the integrity of our own ideas, perspectives, and psychological ‘space’ from the enthusiasm, convictions or strong opinions (often well-meaning) of others.
When we are young and developing, or during any later stages of growth or significant change in our lives we are more vulnerable to influences that may stifle our personal growth into the person we really want to be, or, as Carl Jung described it, self-actualisation.
Walnut Bach Flower essence
Negative state:
Deflected from path by the influence of others
Overwhelmed by change/major transitions
Positive State:
Able to keep to one’s true path (living in accordance with one’s true nature)
Coping and adapting to change