Is Life Giving You Indigestion?
“If you are overwhelmed and not ‘digesting’ what is going on outside you properly, then how can you expect to digest what is going on inside you properly? Life will give you indigestion!”, is a comment I often make to my ‘gut suffering’ clients.
Dill is a well used plant in my private practice in its herbal and its flower essence form.
In its herbal form, Dill has been a traditional colic remedy for babies, going by the name of ‘gripe water’. Also, “Dill’s aromatic seeds have been used for centuries to treat a wide variety of digestive ailments.
In its more subtle form as a flower essence, this healing ability helps us better ‘digest’ and process life experience, assimilating what we need from the environment and discarding what we don’t.” This calming influence on our emotional nature, for instance, has a positive flow on affect to our physical digestion processes, especially for highly sensitive adults and children. If we are calmer in ourselves our digestion will benefit.
Dill as a flower essence:
Positive state:
Mutually beneficial environmental exchange
Calmly ‘digesting’ life, purposeful
Negative state:
‘Overwhelmed due to over-stimulation’ (FES); abuzz
Hyper-reactive to what’s around”
All quotes from Mark’s book, “The Essential Flower Essence Book”