HSP’s Ideal Work Environment
If you are content already in your workplace, or discontent, or when you get the job you want, you will be wise to adjust your work conditions to suit your needs. By protecting and embracing your high sensitivity you will then thrive!
HSP’s augment stimulation. In other words, if you notice so much more at the one time then it is easy to become overstimulated (and at times overwhelmed) if you receive sensory information that is intense, complex, chaotic or even just new to you. The following are tips for surviving and then thriving in your workplace:
1. The least amount of stimulation the better – QUIET AND CALM surroundings work best for you.
* Sit where you feel comfortable – a bit aside (not central) and definitley not under the air-conditioning vent for instance!
* Keep your space clean and organised, often a ‘minimalist’ approach works best
* Use natural lighting and mute/pascal colours
* Reduce glare from your computer screen and use a blank screen savor
* Turn down phone ring volumes and reduce/remove other auditory distractions (ear plugs may be useful when noise levels rise)
* Use of quiet (down) time and breaks is crucial!
2. Make sure your employer is aware of the following:
* You don’t perform as well when being observed for the purpose of evaluation and would prefer other means of evaluating your performance
* You are very uncomfortable with aggressive self-promotion and hope to be noticed for your honest hard work
* You thrive on being provided clear expectations, structure and predictability
The majority of HSP’s are “highly conscientious, loyal, vigilant about quality, good with details, intuitive visionaries, often gifted, thoughtful of the needs of clients or customers, and good influences on the social climate [and morale] of the workplace … ideal employees. Every organisation needs some.” (extract from Dr Elaine Aron’s book “The Highly Sensitive Person”)
In the workplace compromise will always be required and some things will just be totally out of your control. Never forget you always have your HSP ‘protector’, the Yarrow Environmental Solution (YES) – a completely natural Flower Essence combination.
Yarrow Environmental Solution (YES) formula
“Yarrow Environmental Solution (YES) is a unique and powerful blend of flower essences and plant tinctures in a sea-salt water base to help strengthen and protect against toxic environmental influences” – including the effects of radiation from x-rays, televisions, computer monitors, cell phones, fluorescent lighting, electromagnetic fields, radiation treatments and cosmic radiation to which we are exposed during high-altitude flights. It acts like a personal body guard!
“YES formula includes three different types of Yarrow (white, pink and golden), along with two allies from the same plant family – Echinacea and Arnica … All the herbs used in the formula have a reputation for enhancing natural immune response. When combined, their synergistic effect amplifies their ability to strengthen natural immunity”, protecting us on a physical, emotional and mental level.” (extracts from Mark’s book and Flower Essence Society (FES) literature)
Negative State:
‘Disturbance of life-force and vitality by noxious radiation, pollution or other geopathic stress;
residual effects of past exposure’ (FES)
Positive State:
Enhanced integrity of the life-force (FES)
Dynamic natural immunity