HSP's and Work-Career
Dr Barbara Kerr talks about the importance of VALUES when choosing a job/career:
“Traditional career counselling techniques which emphasise matching client’s abilities and interests with job characteristics may be of little use to the [Highly Sensitive Person]. Instead, an approach based on identifying the most deeply held values [of the HSP], and planning life goals which actualise those values, may be the treatment of choice. Career development then becomes the search for MEANING rather than the search for a job.
from Dr Barrie Jaeger’s book, “Making Work Work for the Highly Sensitive Person”
Wild Oat – Bach Flower Remedy
Never overlook the wonderful Bach Flower Remedy, Wild Oat, to help one find direction and gain a sense of purpose in life.
“Wild Oat flower essence acts as a vocational guide for the soul when we are unsure which of many directions to take in life …
Negative state:
‘All dressed up with nowhere to go’
Positive state:
Knowing one’s part in the play of life
Sensing one’s vocation”
(extract from Mark’s book “The Essential Flower Essence Book”)