Indian Pink Flower Essence
If you are feeling frayed and totally overwhelmed by all that is going on around you and you need to remain centred and focused on the job (s) at hand then, ‘think Indian Pink’.
“Generally, Indian Pink people live life to the full or have been thrust into the centre of activity, to the point where they eventually lose their internal calm and stillness and move into the negative state [see below]. The resulting feeling of being under threat causes tension, irritability and over-emotional responses which further deplete energy reserves.
With the help of Indian Pink flower essence, we can regain composure and remain centred and focused amid intense activity and turmoil …. It can help soothe and calm a highly-inflamed reaction to circumstances.” Extract from Mark’s book, “The Essential Flower Essence Book”
Negative state
Psychically ‘frayed at the edges’
‘Inability to stay centred during intense activity’ (FES)
Positive state
‘Managing and coordinating diverse forms of activity’ (FES)
Calm focus in the midst of heightened activity