The Hormonal Iris Type
Blue or Brown Iris. Many lacunae (holes) – ‘daisy petal’ pattern – are found connected to and around the nerve wreath (above) about half way in to the pupil in the iris. The location of the lacunae in the iris can even give us an indication about which glands are more likely to be vulnerable and require attention and natural support.
Potential Characteristics:
This iris type constitution can be more prone to hormonal and glandular system challenges. Maintaining blood sugar balance in both sexes and attending to menstrual irregularities in women are very important. PMS, menstrual pain, fertility/conception issues, and menopausal and thyroid problems are a few of the problems that can arise but also be prevented or treated successfully.
Personal needs:
Those with this iris type tend to be emotionally oriented, changeable/flexible, social, spontaneous people with an excitement for life, which can burn out without sufficient rest and recovery time. They need to be aware of their energy levels, learn to recognise their limits, don’t ‘overdo’, and always allow enough time for recovery. Mood swings can be the result of fatigue or low blood sugar as well as hormonal. People with Hormonal Iris Types respond well to natural approaches and treatments. Speak to Mark.