
The iris gives me great ‘insight’ into the physical, emotional and mental constitutional make up of an individual. Significant signs are recognised in the iris well (often years) before the symptoms of medical (physical and mental) illness develop. The iris not only displays inherent strengths and vulnerabilities but also the presence and location of inflammation, the state of the nervous system, acid/alkaline levels, mineral needs, etc. By viewing the individual from the holistic perspective that the Iris provides, current and potential health issues can be overcome and prevented”

Mark’s Story

Prior to graduating in Naturopathy at Southern School of Natural Therapies, he completed a Biological Science Degree (BSc) at La Trobe Uni. He then worked in Special Education for five years at the Kew Cottages (formerly) Special School.

While maintaining a private practice and caring for his two children, Mark lectured at the Southern School of Natural Therapies (SSNT) for 14 years in Naturopathic Philosophy and Homeopathy, helped establish its current Student Clinic and was appointed the Naturopathic Coordinator at a time when SSNT was applying (ultimately successfully) to the Government for the course’s Degree Status.

Mark completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Qualitative Research (conducting formal research into Rescue RemedyTM) at Victoria University and has six books on Natural Therapies published. He has since completed his Master of Social Science (MSocSc) (Counselling) at Swinburne University, during which, for his course placement, he co-facilitated Mindfulness groups as part of Geelong Hospital’s Chronic Pain Management programme and worked as a Family Therapist in Social Services. He has also completed a Stillness Meditation Therapy (SMT) Teacher Training Course. Mark’s naturopathic ‘tools of the trade’ are drawn from numerous health modalities in which he has expertise, including Homeopathy, Flower Essence Therapy, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Iridology, Counselling, Psychotherapy & Meditation Therapy.