HSP's and Depression
Highly sensitive people may be more susceptible to depression and anxiety states, but these are not part of the HSP trait itself. Over the years I have helped many clients come off anti-depressants (with their doctor’s approval). A significant number of these clients were HSP’s.
For many of them, what provided them with the motivation to consider coming off their anti-depressants was the recognition that their high sensitivity had played a role in predisposing them to depression. They felt empowered with the fact that if they could better understand their high sensitivity, they could learn to live healthier, enjoyable and productive lives which make room for their sensitivity and respect their depth of feeling and perception.
The down side is that there are more often than not some withdrawal symptoms when coming of anti-depressants. Chloe Booker in a recent Melbourne ‘Age newspaper’ article reminded us of some of the possible withdrawal symptoms when talking of her experience when she came off her anti-depressants ‘cold-turkey’ – “… strong feeling of unease. Nauseous, a sense of impending doom … felt angry and on edge. Little grievances … seemed overwhelming … ruminating over the past, and the future seemed bleak.”
This can usually last from a few days to a few weeks. Chloe described how many doctors are either unaware of the withdrawal symptoms or, as in her case, chose not to warn the patient because they think it might worry them and make their mental health worse.
I have always suggested to a client to discuss with their doctor tapering off the anti-depressants over a few months to reduce any potential withdrawal symptoms. Of course, during all this time I prescribe natural medicines and other natural strategies to support the process and help the transition off anti-depressants be much more comfortable.
One natural remedy that I nearly always prescribe from the start (of coming off anti-depressants) for my HSP clients is the FES flower essence formula called YES (Yarrow Environmental Solution). It is like your personal ‘energy shield’ (body guard). It not only starts building up your natural immunity on all levels – physical, emotional and on a psychic level – but also helps repair damage to your subtle energies.
YES formula
“Yarrow Environmental Solution (YES) is a unique and powerful blend of flower essences and plant tinctures in a sea-salt water base to help strengthen and protect against toxic environmental influences. It is like a personal body guard! … All the herbs used in the formula have a reputation for enhancing natural immune response. When combined, their synergistic effect amplifies their ability to strengthen natural immunity on all levels … it acts as a strong energetic shield to help protect us against any negativity in our environment” (from Mark’s book, “The Essential Flower Essence Book”)