Highly Sensitive Parents Helping Themselves
A highly sensitive parent will understand, as good as anybody, the challenges that their highly sensitive child faces in life. But does that parent really understand how much their child’s needs ‘press buttons’ in themselves? “Many of our child’s experiences, especially the more painful one’s, will trigger ‘memories’ (conscious and subconscious) of our own emotional pain and discomfort that we may have experienced as a child. This can positively influence our ability to parent but, at other times, cause us to parent in less constructive ways. For instance, we may lose perspective and our good judgment when our child responds to a situation triggering our mind to ‘re-experience’ some of the feelings of our own childhood”
The flower essence Pink Yarrow is the key remedy to help you create healthy emotional boundaries.
This helps you to know better:
a) When and how to take a ‘step back from or step in to’ the lives of loved ones and,
b) When and how it is as much or more your ‘stuff’ triggering your response to what your loved one is going through.
Positive state:
‘Self-contained consciousness’ (FES) while maintaining empathy
Healthy emotional boundaries
Emotional clarity