High Sensitivity as Depicted in the Iris
Example one (example two in next newsletter): An iris with the “Ring of Harmony”
HSP’s with this iris type are sensitive to and influenced greatly by the state of “harmony” in their environment. They are affected negatively by any disharmony in their home and work/school environment, more so than people with less sensitivity. But they respond positively to harmonious surroundings, more so than people with less sensitivity.
As these HSP’s awaken to their true creative potential instead of being a walking ‘psychic sponge’, exhausted from absorbing all the world’s rubbish, your empathic connection to the world around will begin to flow the other way, giving you the ability to influence other people wordlessly, everyone around being infused by your positive attitude.
To achieve a healthy & happy balance people with this iris type need to:
- Learn to slow down, rest and rejuvenate
- Honestly express your needs to create a harmonious relationship with your environment