Iridology Snippet – personality traits revealed
Concentric rings found in an iris (above) for example can tell us much about a person. The rings are referred to as “nerve/stress rings” as well as “rings of accomplishment”, this explaining how they can have a negative or positive impact on someone’s personality. It comes down to understanding what these rings mean so you can turn an innate vulnerability into a strength. This is the beauty of iridology – it helps you make the best of what you’ve got, the best out of the ‘hand you have been dealt’.
Nerve rings indicate emotional & mental tension/stress tendencies and physical tension in the body. The cause of this is not just external stress, but as much the internal REACTION to certain stresses. Often people with these rings are very self-driven and more sensitive/responsive to what’s happening around them, finding it difficult to relax and ‘let things be’. However, it also indicates that you can be the “movers and shakers” in the world. As much as you might at times find it difficult to just “let things be” you also won’t stand by passively when you see injustice in the world or important things that need to get done or changed NOW. You can learn to relax, chill and take time out but you will never just stand by and ignore the important things that need to get done!. You will always be reliable.
Nerve rings are also referred to as “Rings of Freedom”.
What “Rings of Freedom” mean at a glance:
KEY PERSONALITY TRAIT: Achievement-orientated
GREATEST STRENGTH: Motivation to create & produce
When out of balance can be:
Frenetic, have a constant sense of urgency
Anxious/Stressed, can feel “trapped”
To achieve a healthy & happy balance:
Engage in appropriate, focused action
Give and lead by example
Dandelion Flower Essence
“Dandelion flower essence can help you achieve a level of relaxation that eases the inner agitation which causes outward tension. If you’re uptight and highly strung, with a motor that keeps running even when you’re stationary, Dandelion can help you wind down. Dandelion will help ‘ground’ and calm you so that you can better appreciate the present moment.”
(extract from Mark’s book, “The Essential Flower Essence Book”)
Negative state:
Over-striving (FES); time-driven
Physically and mentally uptight
Positive state:
At ease; energy flowing freely
Relaxed, with a feeling that time is on your side