HSP’s Ideal Job
More than 2 out of 3 Australians value happiness over money, and more than half believe that meaning at work is more important than salary – admittedly that doesn’t mean that money isn’t often a close running second!! Ross Reekie, the founder of Rise (a workplace consultancy), suggests that if you are unhappy or unfulfilled at work make a self-diagnosis. “What is important to you – is it making an impact on the world, having meaningful relationships, working on something you’re really passionate about or having a strong and clear direction and career path?”
“Follow your Bliss and Let your Light Shine Through” (Dr Elaine Aron giving some advice for HSP’s to ponder.)
When talking about HSP’s Dr Elaine Aron believed that “much of our difficulty at work … is our not appreciating our role, style and potential contribution.” Once you understand and appreciate your place in society and, more specifically, your vocation’s place in your rich, inner world – its deeper MEANING for you – much of your work problems will sort themselves out naturally. I’m not suggesting that recognizing your vocation or ‘calling’ (and I don’t mean necessarily from a religious sense) is easy. But for most HSP’s it is important to have this aspiration.
Flower essence suggestion:
Californian Poppy Flower Essence
“When you chop and change constantly, never really getting to where you want, let Californian Poppy help you find the way back home to your heart. Rediscover the guru within because the best answers lie at the heart of your being, not outside you … As Carl Jung put it, ‘Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, wakes.” (extract from my book “The Essential Flower Essence Book”)
I have often used this flower essence to help clients ignite their ‘heart light’, helping them to better direct their own, best course in life.
Negative State:
Constantly seeking outside oneself for guidance
‘Restless seekers’ or those for whom ‘the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence’
Positive State:
Heartfelt understanding, inner knowing (FES)
Discernment in life choices