How HSPs Can Avoid the ‘Energy Drain’
- You need to give yourself permission to take breaks in overstimulating situations, and excuse yourself from overwhelming environments.
- If you go to a loud concert or a cinema with a huge screen, purchase tickets to the rear of the hall or theatre.
- If going on a trip with friends, look out for a quiet coffee shop so you can get some personal space when you need it.
- Educate and let those – family, friends and work colleagues – around you know that you function best if you are allowed some space and time-outs to reflect and just be with your thoughts. Tell them that this way you work better and are even more fun to be with!
- Some deep breathing (preferably in park or green area, for instance), meditation (SMT) or some creative visualisation (visualizing a white light around yourself, for instance) before you enter a highly charged setting or situation can help protect you from becoming energy drained.
- Prioritise your time. Anticipate your needs today and over the next week. Make time in your diary for contemplative practices such as meditation, journaling, taking walks in the park, etc. Proper self-care means we only need to be as compassionate to ourselves as we are to others.
- In my private practice, as well as other natural therapeutics there are many Flower Essences to choose from when prescribing for my highly sensitive clients, to help them prevent and recover from becoming ‘energy drained’.