The Skin as Represented in the Iris
The outer rim of the iris (above), where the iris colour joins the white of the eyeball (sclera) corresponds in the body to the skin. If the skin is normal, healthy and active, the rim of the iris shows no abnormal discolorations or structural changes. If, however, the skin is sluggish, toxic, has weak circulation, displays signs of anaemia or is more prone to conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, etc. there commonly appears in the rim of the iris a dark scurf ring (see above). Sometimes this dark ring is complete (all around the iris) or other times it appears only in certain portions or segments of it.
The skin, along with the kidneys, lungs, liver, and bowels all play important roles in elimination or de-toxification in the body. If one, in this case the skin, is not doing its job the other organs are put under duress. In fact, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) regards the skin as the ‘third lung’ and if it is not functioning (or ‘breathing’) properly the actual lungs become more susceptible to illness. As we saw in the above example with my old school mate, cleansing the liver initially stimulated more elimination through the skin (his rash) but ultimately (within two weeks) his skin became the “best it has been for years”.
The integumentary system (represented in the outer part of the iris, above) – our skin, hair, and nails – can all be helped with natural treatment approaches targeting the problems identified in the Iris. Speak to Mark.