Alcohol and HSP's
Since HSPs tend to process information deeply, feel more empathy, and pick up on subtleties that most people don’t notice, it’s no wonder they often feel that the world is too intense and get overwhelmed. If they are unable to effectively deal with this over-stimulation, they often gravitate to alcohol or other drugs to cope with and manage a situation. Whether you are on holiday staying in the same house with another loud and boisterous family, at a seminar with other professionals in highly charged situations, or in your early twenties just socialising and trying to maintaining your status at raucous parties, alcohol may be used to ‘numb’ yourself as a way of coping. I certainly relate to the last example even though it is a few decades ago!!! The immediate relief of a drink creates a positive correlation in the brain and the solution feels all too easy to repeat next time. I was, in fact, self-medicating my profound sensitivity.
Some tips (or alternatives) to help cope without using alcohol or other drugs:
a) Find a new comfort drink – even holding a glass with something (healthy) in it can help give us some of the security we are looking for.
b) Ground yourself – feel your feet on the ground and this simple act can help give you a sense of power.
c) ‘Tapping’ (Emotional Freedom Technique – EFT) has helped many people (Janette Mattingly, www.theeftexpress.com.au)
d) Aromatherapy – essential oils like lavender, rose, bergamot, ylang-ylang, vetiver, chamomile, and frankincense have proved comforting and calming.
e) Flower Essences and Homeopathic remedies have helped many people with social and general anxiety – speak to Mark Wells for assistance.
f) Stillness Meditation Therapy (SMT) – speak to Mark.